Wednesday 16 January 2013

Production Log - 16th January 2013

This week I have been focussing on catching up all the work that could have been over Christmas and I had made a plan to ensure I did not fall behind, I feel I am following the planning well and have now completed my initial feedback, two front covers, contents page and all three double page spreads. I am just putting the final parts together and I will be posting them to the blog. I have also completed all the miser en scenes for all my photo shoots and got all the permission to use images from high frequency. I feel that I am on task and now I can focus primarily on my evaluation. I have completed the first question of my evaluation and feel that it can be improved, so I have not posted it yet, which is a risk as it means I have not handed it in on the due date so I may lose marks on my planning. However I feel the improving of my evaluation will make up for my loss marks. 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Production Log - 3rd January 2013

I have finally made the final decisions for my magazine. I will be using the more white 'clean' and stylised colour scheme and design this is because I felt it captured my target audience’s attention more and would appeal. Also the stylised design would be better for me as it will be clearer on how I should edit my pictures. I decided that my front cover I will have the limited editions idea where there will be two front covers with two different females, one being more feisty and the other much cuter and sweeter, for the target audience to choose and I will create a total of two double page spreads two for each of the female models featured in my magazine. The content page will have lots of different images and will be like a collage.